LNG CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity #1: Economic Growth Opportunity #3: Investment in Global Economic challenges remain, including emerging LNG Infrastructure is Recovering market currency concerns, but growth has proven Global LNG demand is expected to grow by 53% resilient in key markets like China, providing cyclical 12 to 560 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) by 2030. 9 headwinds for the LNG industry. In response to the rising demand, Qatar Petroleum Increasing adoption of LNG fueling infrastructure by large Company recently announced that it would expand its ports presents a clear opportunity for LNG distribution North Field LNG facility by 32 million tonnes per annum. to become more widespread around the globe. Moreover, Gazprom is in the process of building the 13 Opportunity #2: New Types of End Users million tonnes per annum Baltic LNG facility in Russia. Some applications, like LNG fueling, have developed In addition, Australia’s Santos Ltd has approved its significantly over the last few years, but the longer-term Barossa gas project off northern Australia to backfill the 3.7 MTPA Darwin LNG plant.13 upsides remain to be seen. There is increased use of LNG in trucking, especially in China, while floating Opportunity #4: Technology as a Catalyst import terminals offer flexibility and access to smaller markets such as Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, and potentially In a rapidly evolving LNG market, the use of new 10 Australia. At the same time, LNG-powered rail could technologies can facilitate greater flexibility, transparency, lower fuel costs, although the Energy Information and efficiency between buyers and sellers, thus bridging Administration expects the uptake to be relatively slow.11 the gap between them. These new types of end users provide a faster route The challenges of implementing new technologies in the to market than building shore-based gas facilities existing infrastructure can be significant. However, its for power stations. benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

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