Summary IN CONCLUSION REFERENCES Demand for cleaner fuels is set to propel LNG fueling 1 Allied Market Research, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Infrastructure Market by Type (Liquefication Terminal, and Regasification into a mature market phase – where spot contracts are Terminal), and End-User Industry (Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Electric Power Generation, and Marine Transport) – Global Opportunity utilized, rather than solely long-term contracts. In addition Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021 to developing economies driving new markets, the 2 decarbonisation-of-the-lng-supply-chain-challenges-and-the- global LNG infrastructure market is expected to witness wayforward 3 SEA LNG, LNG – The Only Viable Fuel, 2020 significant growth in the near future. 4 SEA LNG, 2021 Outlook for LNG – a View From the Bridge, 2021 5 SEA LNG, LNG – The Only Viable Fuel, 2020 However, LNG infrastructure must be able to keep up with 6 facilitiesaround-the-world/#:~:text=While%20Europe%20boasts%20 demand. Accelerating LNG fueling to meet sustainability the%20majority,Asia%20and%20in%20the%20US demands requires LNG infrastructure that can cope with 7 Accessed August, 2022 demand by berthing more and more LNG-powered vessels 8 Global Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) Market 2021- 2025 safely and efficiently. 9 Deloitte, Remodel, reinvent: How technology and changing business models are impacting the future of LNG, 2019 10 Deloitte, Remodel, reinvent: How technology and changing In order to respond to LNG’s various challenges and business models are impacting the future of LNG, 2019 opportunities, LNG leaders must adapt to the needs 11 Energy Information Administration, Liquefied natural gas shows potential as a freight locomotive fuel, April 14, https://www. of spot contracts, changing environments, and transfer eia. gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=15831, 2014: Accessed February 1, 2016. scenarios. To do this and help ensure your LNG 12 operations take place safely and efficiently, idUSL4N2P32XV 13 operational flexibility is crucial. idUSL4N2P32XV 14 15 Discover Global Solutions Showcase lng-fuelled-marine-vessel 16 Trelleborg’s innovative and pioneering solutions have ammonia/ 17 English/news/2021/20210422_01.html been meeting the demand for LNG from the outset. 18 International Gas Union, LNG World Report, 2018 Read how our LNG solutions are increasing the safety, 19 sustainability, and overall efficiency of LNG operations 20 21 across the globe today. mackenzie-china-to-overtake-japan-as-worlds-largest-lng-market/ 22 natural-gas/liquefied-natural-gas-lng/lng-outlook-2020. html#iframe=L3dlYmFwcHMvTE5HX291dGxvb2sv 23 EXPLORE CASE STUDIES carbonneutrality-by-2060 24 Fitch Solutions, LNG: Global Industry Trends, 2020 25 surge-cool-winter-high-prices-bite-2021-08-25/ 26 Fitch Solutions, LNG: Global Industry Trends, 2020 27 publications/89977412/global-lng-outlook-2021 28 Fitch Solutions, LNG: Global Industry Trends, 2020 29 aspx?articleid=392130222&Country=Russia&topic=Economy& subtropic=Forecast&subsubtopic=Commodity+prices 30 Fitch Solutions, LNG: Global Industry Trends, 2020 31 in-2021/ 32 reboundin-2021/ 33 reboundin-2021/

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